I'm still learning myself, but it sure is fun! I couldn't wait to get back to get started again. hehe

This is what I pm'd to LWB:

Originally Posted By: BayouBlonde
OK, let me start from the beginning so we don't get confused. lol The very first thing I do is put all the maps together into one big map. I use the original map files, with no mods, so I can go back to it later if I need to. It will look exactly like the one in my guide, without the text on it.

This will be your background map and will never change. To create it, first you create a new file with transparent background and with a size of 2048 x 2048. Then, add guides vertically and horizontally at increments of 512. Now, open each map piece and paste it onto your new image in the correct position. The guides should help it "snap" into place if you get close. Anchor them down as you go (you can always undo that with the edit menu if you mess up.) When done, you should have a map like you see in the game, with the guidelines showing you where each map piece is. Save this file as main map, whole map or whatever name you like, in the GIMP format of xcf. Whenever you want to work on the map, just add a layer and paste things onto the layers only. Never change the background.

Now, to make a room mod for the master bedroom (for example) just select that room using the free select tool. I use the walls as my "line" to "cut up" the rooms. It will draw straight lines between points if you click and if you drag it will draw a line following the mouse. Change the tool options so that if you stop a selection, you can "add to" the current selection, by starting again. This way you don't have to "draw" the whole room at once. When you have the flashing dotted line around the room, use Edit ->Copy then Edit -> paste as new image. Now, save the new image in xcf format and you are ready to begin editing it. Make your edits on new layers, so you can refer back to the position of things on the original when you need to. When you are done and have the room the way you want it, use Edit -> Copy Visible then open your whole map file (the one with the guidelines) and create a new layer named "master bedroom mod 1" or something. Paste the new edits onto that layer and zoom in so you can position it just right.

Now you should be looking at the entire map, with your edits on the master bedroom. With the guidelines visible, you can see exactly which maps you need to use to get your new mod into the game. Use the square selection tool and start at one corner of a map piece you need. The guides should make the selection automatically fit the 512 x 512 piece you need. Once again, use Copy Visible, then paste as new image and save the new image as a jpg image to use in the game. Repeat for each map section you need.

I hope that makes sense. I really wish I could just sit down and show it to you. laugh

Originally Posted By: BayouBlonde
I just remembered cheesyfries had also uploaded an entire map with most of the furniture deleted. I used this a lot when I first started. Here it is, in case you find it helpful.

You would need to open it with GIMP then use Save As to save it in xcf format for adding layers and working on it.

The remainder is in replies and won't make a lot of sense without seeing the entire convo. heh But, be sure to anchor each map piece down (when positioning the pasted map piece, if you hover outside of the flashing dotted line you'll see the cursor turn into an anchor. Just click it to anchor it onto the background image.) If you don't, each map piece will be pasted as a new layer onto the image. That will give you problems later when you try to copy. Copy copies ONLY what is on the current layer. Copy visible copies what you see on the screen.

Hope that helps!

Edit: Forgot to say one of the things I WISH I had discovered early on is that page up and page down will change the current layer. That saved me a year's worth of going through layers individually. heh Oh and this part from the pm's might be helpful:
Originally Posted By: BayouBlonde
When you move your cursor onto the toolbox, the bottom of the screen under the image should tell you which layer you are currently on.

Edited by BayouBlonde (07/20/09 11:28 PM)