Here's how I do it littlewindbird; I duplicate one of the maps I'm going to use / then make the canvas twice as wide as the one image. *Most image manipulators give you the option to align the image to the left or to the right, up or down when you enlarge the canvas. / Then I select all / float the image / reverse the selection / make another layer and paste my next image map in it. *Doing it this way keeps the images lined up perfectly. / After that I duplicate both the upper images / Double the height of my canvas (*This time use the option for your images to end up at the top of the canvas.) / Then I flip both the duplicated top images. Select one and copy my next map and paste it over top of the flipped image. Do the same with the other flipped image. *Doing it this way your images can't be misaligned unless you accidentially scoot them. I try never to click on an image on my canvas to select it, but instead to select it in the layers palette. That way you avoid accidently moving one of them.
I hope this helps rather than confusing you Sweetie. Big hugs!
Edited by Lewanda (07/18/09 06:32 AM)
Edit Reason: Added something