I am a new member of the forum. Last night, my elderly couple died and left a small child. Their spirits stood up and waved to me, but before they disappeared, I upgraded the kitchen. The dead couple (and their spirits) got up out of bed and walked through the kitchen, danced around, and proceeded to go through their routine for 10 minutes before they lay down again to die. During the time they were walking around, the spirits faded in and out as they walked through the house. I thought this was just a glitch in the program, so I ended my game.
A few minutes ago, I was working on another family and the wife died. I did the same thing (upgrading the kitchen before the body disappeared) and she got up (along with her spirit) and walked around the house. I have attached a picture of this. This zombie is sleeping on the couch while the spirit is by the kitchen sink.
The "zombie" and "ghost" cannot be clicked on, but they move through the house like they are alive.
Is this a glitch, or have I stumbled upon a zombie and ghost situation here?
Believe it or not... the zombie just sent me an email!!! It says:
To Bailey
From Brola
I have to say, I think I'm coming down with something. There are these birds that keep visiting the yard. They look tropical. Got to go now.
This is really Creeping me out!!! I cannot click on her or the spirit, she's just walking through the house as if she was alive.
Description: VF Zombie & Spirit circled in red
Edited by Xay (05/02/10 03:43 AM)
Edit Reason: combined consecutive posts