I think it is a great idea to have different types of dogs and cats. I have the white cat currently, also downloaded the black kitty. Would love to have kitties to match my real life kitties, but might take more work. One is gray with white paws, chest and a milk moustache, my other at is a siamese (blue seal point I think). He is cream color, with dark smoky shading through him. As for my families that have a dog, it would be nice to have different breeds. I have a black lab named Sadie that I love to death .. she is the BEST dog in the world. Would like to have a black lab to choose from .. and a golden retriever. Love your idea of a doberman. I love dobermans, and german shepherds! Might be a lot of work to do this ... this is why I'm working my BUTT off learning to mod! I've downloaded Corel Paintshop and GIMP, but am having a hard time .. get frustrated easily!
BB ... you learned so quick! Your work is terrific. You'll have to clue me in on your secret!

Any ideas on how I can learn GIMP better? I tried to put the pieces of the map together, like in cheezyfries example .. I couldn't get it to work!