Originally Posted By: BayouBlonde
*jumps up and down and waves*
You made me giggle so my hubby thinks I've lost it again! (Every time I grin or giggle at the monitor he looks at me like I'm nuts. It's ok though, I do the same to him when he shouts at the game on tv. :P)

LOL...I know, right? Talking to (or laughing at) the computer is no less sane than yelling at the TV. At least I'm not talking to myself. Well...not often, I mean. :P

I had a really bad upset tummy tonight, and I had the urge to just sit on the floor in the hopes that the "Great Hand in the Sky" would bring me some peptic syrup so I'd feel all better. laugh

Originally Posted By: BayouBlonde

I've checked my lists and I don't have the Candy career on any of my own lists, which means none of my lil peeps have had it. On the other lists it is reported as "Candy Maker" on all but one, which reports only the starting salary as 90 for "Candy Designer." I have a feeling they are the same and people mixed up the name, but ya never know!

You've got to admit, Candy Designer sounds ever so much more sophisticated than Candy Maker does. grin So far this career looks like it's sticking with one of the standard salary progressions:
(2) 105 (3) 129 (4) 144... I'll know for sure when she reaches Level 8.

I wonder why the Mustard Bottler makes more than the Ketchup Bottler does. Sounds like condiment discrimination to me...
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.