I finally had to delete a family because the store wouldn't restock, period. There was an earthquake and it caused 3 cracks in the floor and for 4 days the store showed the same thing. Also, they stopped getting money from their careers! I wrote down the amount of money they had one night and the next day it was the same, so I sold a collectible and it stayed the same. It was my first family, the one I started the game came out, but I had no choice but to delete it because they were down to a little over $5! I have version .05. And, still getting problems once in a while with the praise glove turning into the scolding glove in the other 4 families - some of which I did not start until after .05 was released. So sad.Oh, I DO NOT TIME TRAVEL - EVER!
Edited by cindylouwho (05/23/09 08:47 AM)