Yeah, version said .00 and I have always had the problems with tired / exhausted, which is how I found these forums and was my reason for using two windows logins (the other was set with reverse night/day. But... sad news... I just did a windows update and had to restart the pc (I rarely restart my pc.) When I did and started my game I found that ALL my families had been deleted... on BOTH windows users. Even my daughter's families are gone... all 3rd and 4th gens gone... all house upgrades and repairs gone.. collections gone... trophies gone... I'm disgusted and upset and at this point I don't even want to think about starting over. It was great fun while it lasted. Give me a few days to cool down and I'm sure I'll be back.
The way shockwave works is it uses my net connection to obtain a key each time I start the game (I have a monthly subscription.) I think what happened is they finally uploaded the updated version, it installed when I restarted the pc and poof, my families were gone - because now I have version .05

I agree about the day traders' pay scale. I think it was made specifically to reflect the recent "economic crisis."