I prased one who sent me an email straight after she sent it and just after I clicked on OK. she waved back and she resent me another one of the same repeated.
Also if I praised them to see what happens just after he/she read the email and I clicked on OK after I read the the email action 'No'
PS. I like the rainbow haired girl I started a new game as the 4th player to try and get the rainbow hair girl and I kept clicking on try again, and again and again and again... half an hour later try again and try again and try again... sigh try again. I just kept getting red heads males female blonds, browns and so on but no rainbow haired girls sigh. In the end after going though at least 100s of trys I failed misably

In the end had to settle for a red haired girl and hoped she might have a baby with that hairstyle.