I restarted a generation back to just before the dad got married, because his wife refused to have more than 3 kids after 20 years of marriage, even though both "definitely" wanted kids and neither needed baby boost.
On the first try, without any arguing about it first, his new wife had triplets that looked exactly like the wife that he had before I restarted his generation...
After the triplets came, the man's status said "tired" and his action said "going to bed". And he proceeded to go to bed while his wife was still celebrating the arrival of the triplets on the bed. The wife's status then changed from "happy" to "hungry", so I had her prepare a meal and I made them both eat.
Then the man's status changed to "elated" and he went to watch television.
His wife immediately went to the office to send me an email, and even though both she and her husband "definitely" wanted kids, her email stated that it was a "zoo around here" after the birth of 3 kids at once, and then her status changed to "tired", and she went to bed.