A poem for my springer spaniel Jake.

I lost my best friend, some years ago,
and the pain still blinds my way.
But when I think of that Rogo,
I think of the sunny day,
when he first entered our house,
a clumsy pup at first,
and was overruled by the cat!
The Cat! Think of that!
But now he is gone,
his bones were bent and broke with age,
We knew heaven was better for Jake,
then living his last days in a cage.

A Memorial to Ace, my german shepard.

We knew your heart was failing fast,
but our best did we try.
We sadly sat by your bed,
and slowy watched you die.
At five years old My Ace was gone,
he went where the good doggies go,
with open fields of goldn grass,
and chew-toys and Milk-bones.
He romps 'round the open field,
the sounds of his destiny in his ear,
but he never forgets to look down,
to watch the family he left on the ground.



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