So I was really hyped with this new game 2... for a couple of months. Every Day I got up in 6:00 AM to check if there was any progress. But I had no luck, so I decided to let it flow.
Hey come on, it HAS to come out someday (continues to hold a stick with a thread & cheese in front of new game's mouse hole)
So I missed the second hint I know the grass 1, & I saw the blue 1, but in the middle "!?!?!!".
But for all the guys hyped about it being a VV4 I'm sorry but its kinda like fat chance. I mean even if they did do it & it DID came out every one is gonna rush 2 buy it, & complete the puzzles in a matter of days.
You see that isn't good couse even if they do make new VV's every month (LoL. Paradise) 1st Its gonna be like a good American movie with 2 many sequels, 2nd The game devoliper would probably stress out, from all the hard work & 3rD they would eventually start to be .... not so good. Because they gotta think about the new puzzles & stuff at least 3-4 months or else it will start being repetitive.
LoL I over commented in this site 2
i need 3 things in life... no 4:
My friends
& Anime

There every one happy now