Ok... here is a quick math lesson.
What is a quarter? It is when you take 1 whole and break it into 4 pieces.

How many months in ONE year? 12 right?

Break 12 into 4 equal parts. You get 3 pieces to one quarter, right? (12 divided by 4 = 3)

So that means there are 3 months to a quarter of a year.

JAN -|
FEB -|- First quarter of the year
MAR -|

APR -|
MAY -|- Second quarter of the year
JUN -|

JUL -|
AUG -|- Third quarter of the year
SEP -|

OCT -|
NOV -|- Fourth quarter of the year
DEC -|

So, looking at what we have so far, we can see that VF is scheduled to be released at the end of MAR. grin

I hope this helps clear up any confusion on this matter. grin grin laugh laugh laugh