CD, how did you get the VST to load right on your Vista, I have tried a few times but I just get letters and symbols on Notepad? Please Help Eve52
perhaps you are trying to open the zip or exe file with notepad? when opening any exe file in notepad you would get pages of odd symbols.
see if you can find an option to "save file" when downloading it. then, after it is downloaded, double click on the zip file to open it. in the zip file should be something called VirtualSeedTray.exe which you can just drag to your desktop. once on your desktop, just double click it and it should run, unless you also need .net 2.0
it sounds more complex than it is.

try it. if you have trouble, post another note here.
also, i am not sure, but maybe you need to run it with admin priveledges? anyone with vista out there know if that is a requirement for vst?