As for the printing option, I will tell you this. I have been working on this issue and have been doing some research. There is a "print" option when you right-click the movie. One problem I found with this is that when you right-click, the original cursor comes back along with the movie cursor I put in, so you have 2 different cursors, at different angles, joined at the point. Things then look confusing. Besides, I have disabled the right-click menu.
There is a way to make a print option from within the movie. This seems to be to be fairly easy and I can give it to you now but it isn't doing what I want it to do. When I put the print option in the movie and use it, it will print what you see, including the color pallet. There seems to be a way to make a printable section. I want to use this so that when you print it, all you get is the coloring page and not the color pallet, the "next" and "back" arrows and the print button.
I have tried many times but for some reason I cannot get this feature to work yet. I keep getting the whole thing and not just the selected area. They say it can be done so I will continue to bang away at it until I figure it out. Unfortunately I have an older Flash program that probably does not have the features that a newer version would nor do I have the 100's of dollars to invest in it.
So please be patient and know that this request has not gone overlooked and that I am working on it for you.