Maybe, or one club may have to step down...
Why should anybody have to step down to join the other club? Why would they want to? You think the president of the AAA isn't a member of a gym as well? (He may not be, but pretend he is for the sake of debate)
The two clubs aren't redundant, aren't opposing each other, and have nothing at all to do with each other. There's no reason at all that one can't be a member of both, and indeed, can't do it while holding position in one club. Or both clubs for that matter.
I'm not sure why people think they have to leave the SPCV for this. Remember when I posted that the bills comprising the SPCV and SPVC could, theoretically, both be followed simultaneously? Well, look at this charter.
There's no rule saying you can only be in one social group.
From what Rock said in this thread, and a PM, it sounds to me like this is the alternative for the other two and that this is sort of to replace them.
I'm a recipient of that PM discussion, as well; I don't think I saw him say that. The only thing I could possibly see construed that way is that Rockmower himself quit the SPCV to attract members to the LDWFC, but I never once got the impression, in this post or his original PM about it, that he expected people from SPCV OR SPVC to quit for it.
From past discussions, it's my impression that he wants both SPCV members and SPVC members alike (If a joke-organization can really be said to have members) to share in this spirit of respect on the forums, regardless of what their views or affiliations are.