Oh come on y'all. I am just trying to get people excited about VF. It is, afterall due to be released in 2 days. Why not get people motivated. People were starting to post less than positive comments. I am just trying to build the excitement up and keep everyone upbeat.
Some people have made personal comments to me that there are not very many people on the forums lately. I have to admit the amount of anticipation seems down from previous game releases. This appears to be a different type of game. From what I read, and the few pictures we see on the VF website, it looks to be engaging. In the pictures, I see marriages, I see old people waving good-bye, probably to their kids. Up top in the banner, it appears to be a dad, and a mom, and a kid. So with marriages and kids, it looks like this resolves some of the "moral" issues some of us have had with the VV games. If that isn't a reason to be excited, I don't know what is...
I am excited and I want people to be excited with me. After all,
WE are the original LDW
Virtual Family, and as a "family' I am getting my "brothers" and "sisters" to join me in a little fun while we wait. To get pumped. To get excited.
Can you hear the drum roll? I can. It is getting louder day by day! So if I get enough of you out there to be excited, we can have fun while we wait.