++++50 Unique Alchemy Recipes++++
++++(SPOILERS)++++: Some recipies are a solution to puzzles
Questions/Comments/Credits: mitul__@yahoo.com
Plants: Pitcher Plant(Available after Lv. 2 Nature), Lotus, Cactus, Rose, Tiger Lily, Black Orchid
If you pick the Magic faction, then replace Pitcher Plant with Yellow berries or something.
Everything else should be the same.
When I actually reached #50 of my recipes, the "Alchemy R us" award was still unlocked.
When I got to #51 below, I received that award.
There might be one duplicate somewhere I think, but at this point, I don't care.
1) Tiger Lily x 3 = "Whee! What a fun potion!"
2) Tiger Lily + Tiger Lily + Pitcher Plant = "Nasty, It's bitter"
3) Tiger Lily + Tiger Lily + Rose = "Whee! What a fun potion!"
4) Tiger Lily + Tiger Lily + Cactus = Nasty, It's bitter
5) Tiger Lily + Tiger Lily + Lotus = Nasty, It's bitter
6) Tiger Lily + Tiger Lily + Black orchid = He/she feels tired
7) Tiger Lily + Pitcher Plant + Lotus = He/she has a Stomachache

Tiger Lily + Pitcher Plant + Black Orchid = He/She has got to go
9) Tiger Lily + Pitcher Plant + Rose = Oh no, Hiccups
10) Tiger Lily + Pitcher Plant + Cactus = Nasty, It's bitter
11) Tiger Lily + Pitcher Plant + Pitcher Plant = "That potion was awful"
12) Tiger Lily + Rose + Black Orchid = "Oh it burns"
13) Tiger Lily + Rose + Lotus = He/She feels woozy
14) Tiger Lily + Rose + Cactus = Blannesamagawa loomajoobamooga!!
15) Tiger Lily + Rose + Rose = Stinky breath
16) Tiger Lily + Lotus + Cactus = He/She suddenly feels very hungry
17) Tiger Lily + Lotus + Black Orchid = He/She has got to go
18) Tiger Lily + Lotus + Lotus = Oh no, Hiccups
19) Tiger Lily + Cactus + Black orchid = Must excercise
20) Tiger Lily + Cactus + Cactus = Nasty, It's Bitter
21) Tiger Lily + Black Orchid + Black Orchid = He/she feels woozy
22) Pitcher Plant x 3 = He/She feels all Itchy
23) Pitcher Plant + Pitcher Plant + Rose = He/She feels better
24) Pitcher Plant + Pitcher Plant + Black Orchid = So sleepy...
25) Pitcher Plant + Pitcher Plant + Lotus = He/She beels better
26) Pitcher Plant + Pitcher Plant + Cactus = He/She beels better
27) Pitcher Plant + Rose + Rose = That tasted soapy (Villager won't do any work)
28) Pitcher Plant + Rose + Black Orchid = "oh it burns"
29) Pitcher Plant + Rose + Lotus = She feels very fertile
30) Pitcher Plant + Rose + Cactus = "He/She feels better"
31) Pitcher Plant + Cactus + Cactus = "He/She is way too hot"(Temperarure hot)
32) Pitcher Plant + Cactus + Black Orchid = "Nasty, It's bitter"
33) Pitcher Plant + Cactus + Lotus = "He/She feels better"
34) Pitcher Plant + Black Orchid + Black Orchid = "Carrying a vial to the ocean" Solution for sharks
35) Pitcher Plant + Black Orchid + Lotus = "oh, it burns!"
36) Pitcher Plant + Lotus + Lotus = "He/she feels a trance coming on"
37) Lotus x 3 = "She feels a tance coming on"
38) Lotus + Lotus + Rose = "He/She feels fertile"
39) Lotus + Lotus + Black Orchid = "Nasty, It's bitter"
40) Lotus + Lotus + Cactus = He/she feels much healthier(Healing potion)
41) Lotus + Cactus + Black Orchid = "Is everything slowing down" Super speed
42) Lotus + Cactus + Rose = "He/She feels light and springy" Solution for one of the door keys, Jump higher
43) Lotus + Black Orchid + Black Orchid = He/She has a stomachache
44) Lotus + Black Orchid + Rose = "That potion was awful"
45) Lotus + Rose + Rose = "He has happy feet!"
46) Black Orchid x 3 = "Yikes!"
47) Black Orchid + Black Orchid + Cactus = He/she has a stomachache
48) Black Orchid + Black Orchid + Rose = He/she has a stomachache
49) Black Orchid + Rose + Rose = He/she feels kinda down
50) Rose x 3 = "He/She feels romantic"
51) Cactus x 3 = "He/She feels better"