But then again, I've done that with my cat too *No sassy! Your food is suppose to go in your stomache or in your food dish! It was not bought to be used as a toy batted around the room!*
LOL! My cat does the same thing. He can't even just eat out of the bowl. He
always has to bat his food around the kitchen before he can eat it. It's always a mess in there now.
Yeah.. Well, she scratches my door in the morning waiting for me to get up and feed her... except it ends up being me feeding my floor! But hey, at least she's getting some exercise while she's chasing after her food!

But she also has another problem.. let's just say she likes to play with OTHER things that she... uh, makes. She doesn't believe me when I yell at her and tell her that if it goes in the kitty box, it stays in the kitty box! Sick kitty.. but I still love her. What can you do, right?
Oh yeah, another one:
"Wanda, why are you 'proud of the tribe' again? They aren't even doing anything!"
AND (this goes along with the other quotes on pregnant chiefs)
"Wanda! I know you are proud of the tribe, but going around embracing every male in the tribe DOES NOT MAKE YOU A GOOD CHIEF! Go do something more useful-- you are only 18, you have YEARS before your biological clock starts to stutter and stop! Go and make magical food or go and direct the researchers so they will actually acommplish something! Wanda, are you listening to me? WANDA? NOOOO! Bad Wanda *Almighty hands from the sky comes over and plucks her away...But when dragged away, a baby pops into her arms!* Argh! Wanda, I leave you alone for two seconds to make one of your sisters pick a mushroom and you have to go and do THAT! And not even with the guy I had planned as your hubby. You are going in time out!"
I put Wanda over behind the fallen statue *this was early in the game* and left her there.. she got confused and couldn't find her way out for a bit