Originally Posted By: arnie
This is only a guess, and could be very wide of the mark.

On Fast speed the timer counts down in three-minute segments. My guess is that if the game is paused at the end of one of the segments the timer doesn't move down, and nothing happens to the timer when the game is unpaused. If the game is again paused when the next segment is due, again nothing will happen. Only if the game is running normally will it count down. If you're in the habit of pausing the game frequently (to pick up mushrooms and collectibles, say) it is quite likely that the timer will fail to count down quite often, so extending the nursing period.

On other speeds the timer counts down in larger segments. Although the likelihood of the game being paused at that moment when it is due to count down is less, the time which is in effect added on is more.

Thanks, Arnie, your explanation makes sense! I play, mostly, on high speed and I'm constantly pausing the game, especially in the beginning.

According to my last post at 12:18, my pg female had 284 min left. Three hours later she had 224 min left.

An hour ago I set the game back to normal speed and the Pg female's time has since dropped to 114 min. Someone ought to look into this, or at least notify other players! It's a huge time loss playing on ...high speed.

Thanks bunches! \:\)
It isn’t about the journey
its about the destination