"Whaddaya MEAN, you're 'unsure what to do'? Your brother's an Adept Farmer, your sister's a Master Healer and your cousin's busy building a house! They just got on and did it without me peering over their shoulder; why can't you?"
"You were put there to work! Get back to it!" (It's at times like this that I seriously miss Dungeon Keeper; at least there you could give workers a slap if they didn't get the message :D)
"Nature's calling AGAIN? Yeah, well, tell it to leave a message, you got work to do." (Said whenever I need a child to pick up a collectible or mushroom)
It's strange on the chief front; I have a naming system for my villagers that lets me tell who's related to who after they hit the age of 18 (chief's kids get their own naming system; rank hath its privilege!) Every chief I've had has been a direct descendant of the last one (current chief Ponui is the second son of the late chief Matate, eldest daughter of the first chief Ginger).
Who says villagers have no sense of family?