ROFL my husband just started playing VV3 yesterday around 2pm and didnt stop till almost 4am this morning. And he SAID "I'm NOT addict!!"

I wrote down some of the things he was saying to his villagers:

"Ok it stopped raining, where are all those shooms?"

"Great!! The fire dont go out when it rains!!"

"Ut oh where did he go now? Took my eyes off him for a moment and poof he is gone! Like he knows when Im not looking at him."

"You better go wash up, you got some kind of green funk around you."

"Stop worring bout food, go clear leaves and eat them. That will fill you up."

"Man I havent had any shinny trinkets since I miss that last one. Am I being punished?"

Husband's Villager on lift: "Ground control we have lift off!!"

"I'm picking up a lot of feathers. Is that for the Cheif's headdress?"

Just wanted to let ya'll know my husband has finally made his own acct here. DJDrakoPCR

Edited by Narasan (06/10/08 01:10 AM)