crazy laugh ARGH Ya'll stop making me laugh or I'll pee my pants!

my husband just had to put this game on his pc after he heard some of the things I was saying to my tribe. Now he is talking to his tribe. wink

I took out the "bleeps" I get so mad at them sometimes that, well, lol ya'll get the picture.

OMG another baby boy, come on men, its YOUR GENES that give the sex of the babies. Nana is getting close to being too old to have anymore, we really need girls!!

Dang it I said YES, dont tell me no again young lady or I'll feed you to the sharks!

Ugh I'm going to build a dam around that waterfall!

Stop lookin at the fire before you burn your eyes out and get back to looking for mushrooms.

Man Nana, that baby must pee and poop alot! You are always changing it and washing it. Now just WHAT ARE you feeding it??

Figures, gotta find them kids again to pick up collectables. Im gotta build me a pit and put all the kids in there so I know where to find them when I need them.

Chief you really need to learn to dance, how many times will it take to teach you? I know you love learning, but 15 times to learn the rain dance? Come on now get it right this time.

Oh man here we go again with the fog.

Why do you keep snooping around like that? Here kid if you want to snoop so much, drink this...."evil grin"

Do you want me to buy you some rollerblades so you will move faster??