I didn't see anything like this yet so I thought I'd start one. I've caught myself doing a few things I'm sure you all can identify with that say I'm a little TOO addicted to this game. Please add any that you may have too!!!
Maybe you've been playing VV too long if....
Your gas bill went up due to all the times you had to fluff the clothes in the dryer cause you were a little too caught up in the game
You realize that you're constantly staying up so late that even vampires and crack heads have gone to bed
You realize that you eat more meals with your villagers than your signifigant other
Tuna actually starts to sound like an acceptable name for a girl
You start to believe that kissing may actually cause pregnancy.
You believe that women could ever live on an island that hasn't discovered chocolate.

You start having dreams of the Michael Jackson look alike GC doing the Thriller dance