"FOCUS! If you focused on learning your job as much as that bath and doing laundry, you'd be an expert by now."

"Lazy so-and-so!" (even after they finally get started in a skill but are still "untrained", they go off to lay around the fire all the time and I have to keep dragging them back)

"You will NOT say NO to ME!" (After 10+ no's for first training... it still took a few more tries)

Are all these villagers ADHD?

I start them on the statue, as soon as I look away they all leave and go to something else....

And if the Tribal chief's female, I keep her pregnant to increase population since she's usually not doing anything anyway, not until later in the game. She can at least be of some use...though I've found that each skill the chief directs they also learn, so when something requires 3 farmers, or 3 builders, the chief is usually one of them and it works.