I had no problem at all!!
I was surfing lazily on the forum, when the game arrived.
Hop I jump on the link!
Hop I save it in "mes téléchargements"!
Hop 2x clicks on the set up file!
Hop! Next Hop! "I agree" Hop! Next Hop! Finish!
Hop! Buy! Hop! Filing the form!
Hop! Hop! Hop! Waiting for the answer! Hop! Hop! Hop!
Hop! I received the code virtually immediately!!
Hop! Copy/paste the code
Hop! Taking care to write my name correctly!
Hop! 2x click on the little couple!
That was great!!
Hop! a little kiss to Arthur & Carla!!
Hop! another one to Barbara!!
And a big HUGS to the LDW's team