I had a great one that said...
One fine day, Tilli is sitting near the beach admiring her lovely and luxurious hair, but lamenting her long skinny legs. "Oh why must I have such skinny legs? Legs such as these are not befitting of a lovely young woman with glorious locks such as mine!" she wails. Just then, a very pesky bee decides to buzz around her head angrily. She is afraid she might be stung. What is she to do?
Choices were either
Run to the water or
Swat at the bee
I picked Run, with this outcome:
Tilli decides that enough is enough, and makes her move. In one swift motion, she is on her feet and sprinting at full speed towards the water, leaving the bee far behind. Realizing how much faster she had been than the bee, she smiles broadly. "That was fun!" she exclaims. "Perhaps these long legs of mine aren't such a bad thing after all!" Thereafter, Tilli can often be seen running around the village just for the fun of it.
Now she runs while doing everything! I'm hoping she'll be my first master of everything