I "think" these are the basic formulas for potions in VV3. I may have missed some, but I tried to be as thorough as possible.

VV3 BASIC POTIONS (without the special herb):

PLANTS: C=cactus R=rose B=black orchid L=lotus T=tiger lily

//NOTE: If you want to know the effects of a “bad stew,” you’ll have to try them yourself. As Vice President of the SPCV, I am adverse to trying them on my villagers.//

BBB = bad stew
BBC = bad stew
BCC = bad stew
BBL = bad stew
BBR = bad stew
BBT = villager feels woozy
BCL = bad stew
BCT = must exercise
BCR = bad stew
BLL = bad stew
BRR = bad stew
BTT = bad stew
CCC = bad stew
CCL = bad stew
CCR = bad stew
CCT = nasty it’s bitter
CLR = feels light & springy! USE TO REACH HIGH OBJECTS (diamond door key)
CLT = very hungry
CRR = bad stew
CRT = Blannesamagawa loomajoobamooga!! (? Villager goes a little stir crazy until potion is gone?)
CTT = Nasty! It’s bitter
LLL = villager goes into a trance
LLR = villager feels fertile
LLT = oh no, Hiccups!
LRR = Happy feet!
LRT = bad stew
LTT = Nasty! It’s bitter
RRR = villager feels romantic
RTT = Whee! What a fun potion! (Acts like a kid)
TTT = Whee! What a fun potion! (Acts like a kid)
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