Originally Posted By: Tobie
Geez! It's amazing how much stuff people make up in here about VV3. I'm sure LDW knows how to update a progress bar. They said Spring 2008. Carla said they won't give us an exact date. I'm not the most patient person, either, but I don't think it helps anyone to make stuff up. People just get upset over nothing. \:o

First off I want to explain why my current post is so long. It's because I want to make sure that people don't misunderstand my meaning. I don't have the skill to convey my thoughts w/ concise and clear phrasing ... so long ones are what I end up w/.

What did I "make-up"? I simply speculated on a date. Speculation is nothing more than an educated guess. And since this thread is titled "When can we expect VV3 to be released?" my speculatory release date is something to be expected, but not meant to be taken as fact. And why bring Carla into this. Her, saying that she wont give us an exact date, does not mean I am not allowed to speculate on a date, and that I am not allowed to put my speculation on the board for others to speculate on. And if such a thing is frowned on, then this entire thread, and any like it, should be removed/banned from the forums all together by the administrators.

As far as my comment on the progress bar goes, I was just saying that if I was in LDW's position ... I would pool all the time (including the presentation to other companies etc.) into the progress bar's overall calculation. That way the percentage would reflect an approximate time for the products release. It would be confusing, in my opinion, not to include such information into the time calculation. For instance, if the progress bar is only for game production time, but does not include game release time people might get confused and frustrated thinking that the game is going to be release the second it has finished its production run. My thought is a basic assumption that many other post-ers may or may not have come up with on their own, I just put mine up for viewing. I was in no way shape or form implying that LDW does not know how to update their progress bar.

Spring, of any given year, is three months. People who are easily excitable (like me) enjoy and fret over possible release dates ... it's just what we do. We need a place to vent our ecstatic anticipation, or else we feel we might bust open. That is what I thought this particular thread was all about ... a place for me to debate dates w/ other like-minded VV enthusiast. Your post makes me feel as though I have done something wrong, even though I have not. And now, some silly thought in the back of my head, is of me expecting to get a reprimand from a representative of LDW about a speculative comment. Speculative ... repeat after me ... speculative.

Further more, you say that "people just get upset over nothing, but how can you expect me not to be annoyed when you're implying that my comments don't help anyone, and that I "make stuff up"? Your comments on my post (the post that you replied off of which can not be seen here in this new post) seem counter productive.

Maybe you didn't mean to project your thoughts at me in particular. Maybe your post was meant as a general comment. For these reasons I want to make it clear that I am not mad at you, I am just annoyed at the way your post seems to be directed at me, and that 'said post' is not a pleasant one for me to read. And as such, this one probably will not be pleasant for you to read.

This post may seem like over kill to a lot of people, but this is just how my brain works. If I don't get my thoughts out their ... if I feel like my voice isn't fully heard and understood I will end up in a bad mood for days. So please, taking this all into account, make nice 'implication free' comments from here on out.

Thank you for taking the time to read all the way through these 'ramblings of a crazy person'. (<--- This is my attempt at making this post seem a little more friendly than I'm sure it actually came across as. Like I said, I'm not mad ... I am blunt, honest, and direct - which can come off as mad or rude.)

*** EDIT ***
I have never knowingly distracted an LDW game maker from their work, but anyhting is possible. \:\?
I envy heatherndan's ability to effortlessly say what I mean so elequently. Thank you ... your an inspiration

Edited by An81angel (04/29/08 06:54 PM)