I wish I could say it worked as well for me, Arnie, but I stand by my request. Yes, the image was much larger, but when I went to highlight the dead leaf and clip it, the magnified image was in the middle of the fingers holding the shears, and I couldn't see the highlighted leaf at all. I tried it with a larger magnifier window, too, but it didn't help. I appreciate your advice, and I can think of many other uses for the Windows magnifier, but I'll probably stick to my hand-held unit for now.

One other thing I'd love to see changed: in the nursery, when I sequentially click people in a cluster, the new thought bubbles almost always appear behind the other ones, so I can't see them at all. It makes more sense that the newest clicked thought would be on top, doesn't it? It makes no difference if I click the person farthest away first and work forward or in the reverse order - most frustrating.

Thanks for approving use of the Virtual Seed Tray - it's a real blessing! My only request for that utility (programmed by a fan and not LDW, I know) would be a print command for at least the stored seeds list. It's a bit cumbersome to close PT, open VST, check my inventory, close VST, open PT, and finally continue crossbreeding my newest crop. I haven't quite got the "rhythm" of manually updating my on-site and off-site inventories after every harvest, so this feature would be delightful.