NEW (BETA) VERSIONi think you might be on to something, legs3246.
HERE is a new version of VST that should be immune to that strange updating-the-stats b
this version will work with the files made from the previous version of VST.
in addition,
if you lost seeds in the past, and have a backup copy of the .vst file, or if you did not use VST to save new seeds since losing seeds, this version has a good chance of being able to
recover those seeds.
although the change in the program was minor, this is still a new version. so consider this a beta-test version, and consider yourself a beta-tester for the first few weeks.

while i don't expect anyone to have any problems, if anyone does lose any seeds with this new version, please leave a note here. also, if you try out the program and don't have any problems, leave a note to that effect. If a few people report no problems over the next few weeks we can consider this b
ug squashed.

thank you.
ps: heartfelt sympathies to senator kennedy, his friends, and family.