When the game is released and we have had a chance to play it, Laurence, we shall then see who is right and whose theory goes "up in smoke" LOLOLOLOL (yes, that pun WAS intended.) \:D But if it is a chimney and there is going to be a fire in it, what is that... that... thing inside on the hearth? It doesn't appear to be a cauldron. It also appears there are broken pieces of whatever it is laying on the ground in front of it, which, when pieced together would make an Idol of some sort.?.?

Just so you know, i am just engaging in a friendly debate and it isn't meant to be a hostile arguement, so please don't misinterpret my comments as such. \:D It is all in fun as we really won't know until it is released. \:D \:D \:D \:D

Edited by Gamemastr1 (02/12/08 09:41 PM)