Why on earth are you wasting time RAIN DANCING!?!?! Have you not yet noticed that it DOESN'T RAIN here?!?! Geez...
Woah, how many people can fit in that little hut? Who knows whose babies are whose?
All right guys, that's enough. There are ten of you pushing that boulder at the same time, and it's not moving! GET A CLUE!!!!
Curious? You're curious?! Haven't you ever heard that curiosity killed the cat? Get to work!
Why does your head twist around your body so while you are dancing? It's just not natural...
WHAT?!?! The Golden Child makes berries? Why didn't I have you when the hurricane swept through and destroyed all my food?!?! Right now I have over 900,000 food! I don't need your stupid berries!

"Friendship is like peeing your pants- everyone can see it, but only you can feel its warmth. Will you be the pee in my pants?"