In the guide section the Virtual Seed Tray program has been upgraded a little a few minutes ago. The previous version would start to have trouble when there were more than 200-300 seeds in the file. this was because the sort routine was elegant but not very efficient. The sort routine is now 99.99% efficient and I am looking at a file with 1500+ seeds in it right now that has no problem loading/sorting/saving.
I am not sure but I think at least 1 person who had a lot of seeds in the file was affected by this problem. So if you are using VST and plan to save a lot of seeds, download the new one. It is compatible with files created by the previous one.
The other addition to the program is a print button on the foliage / flower pages, which was requested a few days ago. Before you actually print it, on the printer setup page, change the orientation from portrait to landscape. I forgot to set landscape as the default in this release, but in future releases the default is already landscape.
EDIT: PS Here is a link:
Click HERE to download the latest version of Virtual Seed Tray for Plant Tycoon (warning: This link takes you to a note that has spoilers in it. To download the program without reading the spoilers, read the non-spoiler information at the top, and keep reading until you reach a point that warns you of spoilers. then scroll down quickly to the bottom of the note while looking at your shoes.

At the bottom of that page you will find the link to download the program. )