I'm struggling on my Win ME. I got the pots found this time Borg. yeah! So that past was a success, but afterward when I turned in ON, it 'couldn't find the process'. Now I've seen that on my XP at work when I forget to shut the CG off first; but PT was running, so I don't know what it's deal was. 'Course having both open at once caused some slowdown on the PC so maybe it's just that my PC's biting the dust.
If anyone else out there is using Windows ME, I'd love to hear if it's working for you!
So then I turned on the BC and ran the offsets, again slowed everything down. But it did find a number, and I ran it and it seemed to be working fine, until the alarm came flashing on and wouldn't stop. Until I went to the nursery, and it sent up an error message about the index being too high, and the BC quit. So I though that meant my offset was wrong and tried to do it again, but now it's not really registering anything.
I'm wondering if running the offset more than once messes it up?
Don't get down about it Borg. It's a great concept and we'll figure it all out eventually. Like I told DW yesterday, that's what beta's all about, right?
Win 7 need to look up the specs
Also have Android phone