This thread contains user modifications for Plant Tycoon. These modifications (or Mods) have been created by users and are not supported by LDW. Use these modifications at your own risk. If using them causes problems for your game, please do not request support from LDW. Although many people are using this mod successfully, the use of the Virtual Seed Tray has caused the loss of seeds under certain conditions. Make sure that you understand the risks of using this utility. It's also a good idea to
back up your game files periodically. ________________________________________________________________
------------- Stop!! --- Read the following note!! --- Stop!! NOTE!!! This utility is now finished and available in the Plant Tycoon Guide section of the forum.Not sure which seeds to keep and which to trash? Now you can
save them all!
Virtual Seed Tray is a plant tycoon utility that allows you to save
ALL your extra seeds.
To use it, just click the boxes next to the seeds you want to move, and then click either the
>>> or the
<<< to move the seeds to the appropriate list. To select a different plant tycoon save game, use the drop down box at the top.
Here is an image with the controls marked:
Here is a close up image without all those nasty markings:
You get not one, not two, not three, but five (count 'em, five!) virtual seed trays to store your seeds (one virtual seed tray for each game you are playing). How many seeds can just one seed tray store? 10? 25? 100? 1000? No! each of your virtual seed trays is virtually limitless!
How much would you pay for even just one of these magnificent trays?
... $500? ... $50? ... $5? ... 50¢ ... 5¢
If you order now, you get the trays, the program, the controls, the listboxes, the checkboxes, the buttons, the labels, all for an unbelievably low price of nothing! you read it right, nothing!
Don't wait till they are all gone, order now!
As a special thank you, if you order in the next 30 minutes, we will include at no extra charge the automatic seed bubble sorter! Now all your seeds will be arranged in order of foliage/flower, following the same order of the list of foliage/flowers in the "Borg's Chart" line of products!
Don't Wait! Order Now! Thoughts and Comments are Welcome!!